
Community facilities

A number of questions included in the Canterbury Wellbeing Survey ask respondents about their satisfaction with various aspects of their everyday life. One of these questions asks survey respondents to rate their satisfaction with local community facilities.

This indicator presents the proportion of those 18 years and over satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities, using Canterbury Wellbeing Survey data from 2018 to 2022.

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The figure shows that in both 2019 and 2020, 75.2 percent of all respondents to the Canterbury Wellbeing Survey indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities. This proportion then decreased to 70.5% in 2022. This decrease of nearly 1 percentage point is statistically significant.

The figure shows that the levels of satisfaction with local community facilities in Waimakariri District, Selwyn District, and Christchurch City were similar in 2019 and 2020 (77.4%, 77.2%, and 74.6% respectively, 2020). However, the 2022 results show decreased satisfaction levels for Christchurch City, with levels of satisfaction with community facilities now statistically significantly lower in Christchurch City compared with Selwyn District and lower than Waimakariri District (although not statistically significantly lower).

The figure shows differences by ethnicity in the proportion of respondents who indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities in greater Christchurch. The proportion of European and Pacific/Asian/Indian respondents who indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities increased significantly between 2018 and 2019 and remained stable in 2020. However, there was no significant change for Māori respondents during this time and the 2022 result suggests an overall pattern of decline in satisfaction with local community facilities for Māori. The level of satisfaction in 2022 for European respondents is statistically significantly higher than for Māori respondents (71.1% and 63.4% respectively) although similar to Pacific/Asian/Indian respondents (69.9%).

The figure shows some differences by age group in the proportion of respondents who indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities in greater Christchurch between 2018 and 2022. Broadly, the figure indicates a positive age gradient, with increasing age being associated with higher levels of satisfaction. In 2022 a significantly lower proportion of young people (18 to 24 years, 58.1%) indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities compared to all other age groups (such as 65-74 years, 79.6%), with the exception of 25 to 34-year-olds (65%).

The figure shows that a statistically significantly higher proportion of female respondents in greater Christchurch indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities, over the time series shown, compared with male respondents (74.6% and 67.2% respectively in 2022).

The figure shows that in 2020 and 2022, a significantly lower proportion of those in the lowest income group (<$30,000, 62%, 2022) indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities compared with those in the highest income group ($100,000+, 74.4%, 2022). Broadly, the figure indicates a positive income gradient, with increasing income being associated with higher levels of satisfaction. Between 2018 and 2019, the proportion of respondents in greater Christchurch who indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities increased significantly among those in the lowest and highest income groups. The proportion satisfied or very satisfied decreased most notably for the lowest income group, between 2019 and 2022 (from 77.1% in 2019 to 62% in 2022).

The figure shows that the proportion of respondents aged under 65 years with a long-term health condition or disability in greater Christchurch who indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with local community facilities, was significantly lower in 2018, 2019, and 2020 than for those without a long-term health condition or disability and lower (but not statistically significantly lower) in 2022. Respondents aged 65 years and older with a long-term health condition or disability also had significantly lower satisfaction levels compared to those without a long-term health condition or disability in 2019, but not at any other timepoints.

Overall, there was no significant difference in satisfaction levels between those with a long-term health condition or disability who were aged under 65 years and those aged 65 years and over, at any timepoint. Note that the wide confidence intervals for both groups limit the interpretation of these comparisons.

Data Sources

Source: Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury - formerly the Canterbury District Health Board.
Survey/data set: Canterbury Wellbeing Survey to 2022. Access publicly available data from Te Mana Ora | Community and Public Health website www.cph.co.nz/your-health/wellbeing-survey/
Source data frequency: Annually.

View technical notes and data tables for this indicator.

Updated: 23/01/2024