Access detailed metadata and summary data tables as Microsoft Excel files.

The spreadsheets on this page provide detailed metadata information for the indicators in the Canterbury Wellbeing Index, and the summary data tables used to produce the figures.

Download a summary of all indicators and their data sources [PDF].

Suggested citation for this data is:
Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury (2023) Canterbury Wellbeing Index. Christchurch: Te Mana Ora | Community and Public Health.

View the disclaimer and copyright information for the Canterbury Wellbeing Index.

Methodological considerations for the Index

Statistical significance

To aid the interpretation of the data, in particular differences over time and/or between population groups, significance testing is noted (in figures, text, and/or metadata) where it has been provided with data. Confidence intervals (at 95% confidence) are provided with all estimates from Canterbury Wellbeing Survey data.

Data comparability

Some data sources are available only periodically (for example, Census data) or may be discontinued (for example, when a survey has been ceased). Similarly, time series may be broken when an agency’s method of collecting and/or reporting its data is altered to the extent that comparisons prior to and after this change are no longer valid. Comparability can also be affected by subtle differences in methodology - either over time or between surveys. All such instances are noted and discussed in the metadata tables.